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Mold Removal in CT

Anthony's Abatement is Connecticut's leading asbestos abatement and demolition company. For over 10 years we've provided the highest level of service for our residential and commercial clients. To experience your red carpet treatment start to finish, call Anthony's Abatement today!


Mold Removal in CT

Connecticuts Trusted Mold Removal & Remediation Experts


Mold Removal involves several steps and exact protocol depends on many things: what type is involved, where it is and how extensive the contamination is. The usual steps are to identify the source, contain it, combine treatment with removal of damaged walls, ceilings and sometimes flooring. We often discard items that cannot be salvaged.

Over the last several years, mold has been discovered to be a leading cause of many illnesses previously attributed to other causes. While mold has always existed—and always will exist—it is definitely a hot-button topic now.

With homes and buildings being built tighter and more energy-efficient, they may also be lacking the proper ventilation to prohibit mold growth. In order to grow, mold needs a water source as well as elevated levels of humidity and a food source. This can be found in water-damaged carpeting, Sheetrock™, insulation, and ceilings.

How is Mold Dangerous?

While there are numerous types of mold, a number of them can produce allergens that trigger an allergic reaction in people who are affected by mold. Other molds are known to produce potent toxins and irritants. These health concerns are important reasons to treat existing mold growth and to take corrective measures to prevent it from returning.

The people at the highest risk of becoming sick from exposure to mold are infants, children, the elderly, pregnant women, and people with respiratory conditions.

While there are no regulations yet established in Connecticut, Anthony's Abatement adheres to the standards set forth by the EPA as well as the states of New York and California, which historically have had the strictest regulations.

Our employees have attended training in mold remediation and are closely monitoring this still-emerging field to detect innovations that are being implemented in work procedures.

Our mold removal specialists know the right methods to use. We will provide the skills and equipment necessary for mold remediation. Most often walls and ceilings are removed for access; we then thoroughly disinfect mold growth on underlying structures with an EPA-approved anti-microbial solution. We apply EPA approved anti-fungicide coating and conduct thorough air scrubbing procedures throughout. Following the completion of the remediation, an independent air test is completed by a licensed industrial hygienist.

How We Safely Remove Mold

Because mold remediation can disturb colonies and disperse them in the air, we take every precaution. We have a full range of equipment and techniques to remove spores from the air, including negative air machines, air scrubbers. Isolation of the work area is accomplished via sealing critical barriers and maintaining negative air pressure.

Completion Certification

When the job is complete, the customer is provided closeout documents; which include a completion letter describing the scope of work and certified lab results of the independent air testing.

Is Mold Removal Always Necessary?

There are over 100,000 species and they exist everywhere, both inside and out. For most people most of the time, small amounts don’t cause serious harm. But when certain types become concentrated in the sealed-up environment of a home, they take advantage of moist, warm areas and flourish.

Can I Remove Mold Myself?

While you certainly can scrub and kill small colonies yourself, such as in shower grout, anything larger than a few square feet needs to be handled by a professional mold remediation company. This ensures your safety by preventing the colony from releasing spores into the air that could harm your health. It prevents rot of wood, drywall, carpet and padding, and other organic materials that colonies feed on.

Certified specialists like us also ensure that all remnants are removed; if they are not, they can go dormant when the area is dry, and regenerate when moisture comes back.

We perform mold removal in Connecticut.

How Do I Know if I Need Mold Remediation?

If you've noticed a persistent musty odor, visible mold growth, or unexplained health symptoms like allergies or respiratory issues, it's time to consider mold remediation. Mold can thrive in damp and humid environments, often hidden within walls, ceilings, or basements. At Anthony's Abatement, we're here to help you navigate these concerns. Our experienced team specializes in identifying the extent of mold growth, locating the source of moisture, and implementing comprehensive remediation strategies. Serving Connecticut's Hartford, Middlesex, and New Haven counties, we're dedicated to creating healthier living spaces through effective mold removal.

For more information about our services, or to get a free quote, give us a call at 860-966-7663 or contact us online.

Schedule a Free Home Safety Evaluation

For more information about our services or to schedule an appointment, call us at 860-966-7663 or complete the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Request a Free Estimate

To schedule your free estimate, give us a call at 860-966-7663or click below to our contact page and complete the form.

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There are Plenty of Mold Removal Companies in Connecticut

So Why Choose Anthonys Abatement?

Exceptional Customer Service

Speak with a real person, our responsive office staff will get you an estimate within 24 hours.

Experienced, On-time Crews

All technicians have 10-15 years of experience. We use cutting edge technologies and tools to ensure you get accurate results, quickly. 

Licensed & Regulation Compliant

We're fully licensed and strictly adhere to all environmental regulations and industry standards.

Local, Family Owned

Anthony's Abatement is family-owned and operated and has been serving CT for over 10 years.

Based in West Hartford, CT

Serving the Whole State of Connecticut

Anthony's Abatement proudly serves a wide range of Connecticut counties, including Hartford, Middlesex, New Haven, Tolland, and New London. While we cover every corner of the state, please note that we do not provide services in Fairfield or Windham counties, ensuring our dedicated focus on delivering exceptional abatement solutions to our valued clients.

Hartford County

Middlesex County

New Haven County

Tolland County

New London County

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